How can I increase organic traffic for blog or website

 How to get traffic from Google organic traffic in 2021 

If you have blog or website then you find out how to increase traffic from Google. Now a day very difficult to increase traffic but Google more easy to get traffic. Because many activity to launch by Google lets talk about one by one and we shall know how to get high traffic in 2021

Platforms of Google to increase traffic

Now a day Google launch many activity for gain real and organic traffic. You know about Quora
Quora is a big source of traffic. It is more powerful website.

 There are approximately (2.1 million) visitors per day on quora is a asking questions and answers.
So it is more powerful website but no any one about Google Question Hub 

What is Google Question Hub ?

Google question hub is launched by google this is like quora. You can give answers and questions. It is launch on 2019.

Google Question Hub is a knowledge market platform developed and offered by Google. 

As part of reducing non-existent digital media backlog, it uses various but not-known search algorithms to collect unanswered web search queries for content creators, including journalists.
This is available in english,hindi,urdu,etc.

How to use Google Question Hub

For use of Google question hub which  is verified gmail of that email verified by Google search console.

According to google question hub we use for submitted question answer. It is give best performance for website or blog traffic.

How to login and sign up in Google question Hub

At first search in Google question hub then click for first link. 

Then click sign up from blogger gmail and your account create successful for using question hub. 

How to submit answer in question hub

For the submitting of your answer to question hub simply you will see left side add questions then click this. 

And at first search your question to related your article than click done your questions add successfully.

 Also you find more questions related to yor question. And simply click any 

questions then you will find answer button to give answer. Only you can paste article link for answer.

Google Questions Hub

Google Question Hub (GQH) is a knowledge market platform developed and offered by Google.

 As part of reducing non-existent djgital media backlog, it uses various but not-known search engine to collect unanswered search quire for contact creater including journalists.

GQH is accessible via a registered google search console account with a verified web master toolsas contradict to google 

question and answer However, searchers do not need to be registered with search console except a google account.

Type of contain

 Sit - Google question Hub

 Founder - Google

 Launched - 2019

 Language - English, Hindi, indonesian

What is Q&A

Q&A software is online software that attempts to answer questions asked by users (Q&A stands for "question and answer").

It is launched by Google for user to ask questions and answers. For more expert.
Easy for found best answer. Any body can give answer.

Any people ask questions and give answer in platforms of Google. 

Now a day it is very famous like Quora. And easy to help for search right question and answer.

Questions and answers ( Q&A )

Q & A is a situation in which a person or people ask question and answer another person or group of people answer them. Q&A is short for ' question & answer' 

This is launch for short question and answer rank in Google.

But upcoming day Google  replace in quora

Traffic from Quora

Quora is the most powerful for get traffic for website and blog. It is for finding question and answer.
You can submit your answer for get more traffic 
At first you will create account in quora then you can use it.

And also complete your profile to more user attractive and for quora guidelines.


Quora is a question and answer site which is any person ask questions and give answer.


It is for get more traffic on website and blog. This site to learn many things. Like education, technology, and more information provided by this site.

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