Computer full form

 Computer full form

Computer full form

Computer is a common device for uses. In this time every person have a PC , Laptop , and mobile phone.  

Computer full form

Computer is an electronic device that can perform activities that involves mathematical , logical , and graphical manipulation. 


C -  Com mon 

O - Operating

M - Machine

P - Purposely

U - Used for

T - Technological and

E - Educational

R - Research

Types of computer

Mainly there are four types of computer .

• Mainframe computer
• mini computer
• Super computer
• Microcomputer

Parts of computer

A computer has various parts and each parts performs a specific function.

Cpu ( system unit ) 

What is full form of computer ? 

Machine Purposely
Used for
Technological and

 The word is computer derived from latin word ' computare ' means to calculate yo count . 

T-3A is a computer. This is fast computer in this world.


A monitor is an output device that resembles a television screen.
It received the output data from the processor and display it on its screen.

The monitor typically comes with its own separate power button to turn it on or off.


Similar to the human memory, computer also have memory where the data is store. Apart from remembering lots of information, human being overcome their limitation of memory by recordings information in notebook, diaries ,and so on.

Types of memory

The types of internal storage are as follows:

Ram - Random Access Memory
Rom - read only memory
Eprom - erasable programmable read only memory


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